Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Finally Some Rest...

So this morning I woke up and realized I slept through my studio class, now normally this wouldn't be to bad but this is the second time it's happened. One more time and I will drop a letter grade. Therefore I'm going to try to turn myself around and get on a decent sleep schedule. I also poured myself a bowl of cereal and realized there was no milk so I skipped breakfast, next it was time to shower. It was enjoyable since I didn't have to rush but I got out... NO FUCKING TOWEL. So needless to say when I took a shit I made sure there was some toilet paper. All in all it was kind of a shit day, I'm in another one of those ruts that I just can't seem to get out of. I want to eat healthy, work out, get more sleep, wake up on time, you know normal things that people do. Oh hopefully there will be some sort of near death experience that will make me realize how short of time I do have.

Anyways I wanted to ask you my followers some things, first off would you rather see me blogging about personal experiences as I have been or social trends and stuff along those lines? That is what I intended it to be when I first started out with the blog. I wanted to see what made hip kids hip. Let me know your thoughts on that. Thanks everyone :D


  1. Post about both!

    Best of both worlds mannn

  2. Just post about both if you have the time dude

  3. protip: target certain keywords. if you DO decide to get crawled by google, more keywords = better traffic

  4. Try to make a realistic schedule you can follow for your day, don't worry if u mess it up you can always make it up tomorrow.

  5. Thanks man, I'll look into that :D

  6. Oh man that's a shitty day. Here's to a better one tomorrow, and blog about whatever you want :)

  7. Good to see you're turning your sleep around. That is absolutely one of the hardest things to do in my opinion. What I would do is start by going to bed thirty minutes earlier each time. Where as you will eventually force yourself to be tired.

    Or you could just go for a run, or do something that requires a lot of exercise.

  8. Dude, you need what I have photographs in my most recent blog. This isn't actually some lame attempt to get you to go to my blog either, it genuinely applies lol.

  9. I don't normally shower, but when I do, I shower with my cat. While we're both high. On acid.

  10. im just gonna go ahead and leave another comment about how clint eastwood is totes awesome

  11. Sounds like you had a bad day...sorry to hear that. ):

  12. Personally, I like reading about people's experiences.
    Also, good luck on the sleep schedule. I'm currently trying to fix mine.

  13. pepper in some personal experience, it gives the blog variety

  14. You can decide when you're typing it out which topic you want to talk about. I for one, would be interested in hearing either. :D

  15. Write about what you like the most, it is more fun when you're exited about something than being forced to write about something.

  16. An interesting post will be interesting. Just make sure you see blogging as a art and not as a time filling necessity :)

  17. I think a little bit of both isn't too bad. You're probably definitely privy to some hip things and can give peeps the scoop!

  18. it looks great!
    i like it .

  19. What a rough day. haha the toilet papper bit made me laught
